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CO2 - Zähler
Seit Einführung der Biokraftstoff-Nachhaltigkeitsverordnung im Jahr 2011 wurden durch die Verwendung unseres zertifizierten Campa-Biodiesels insgesamt Treibhausgase bzw. deren Äquivalente im Vergleich zu fossilem Diesel eingespart.
CO2 - Counter
Since the introduction of the Biofuel Sustainability Regulation (Biokraft-NachV) in 2011 the use of our certified Campa-biodiesel saved greenhouse gases or their equivalent compared to fossil diesel.

Welcome to Tecosol
– the Biodiesel Production Plant in Southern Germany.
Renewable energies are our business: since 2009, we have been producing not only fuels for engines, combined heat and power (CHP) units and cogeneration plants, but also, in accordance with DIN standards, biodiesels such as methyl esters and glycerols of various qualities at our production site in Ochsenfurt.
Our special raw material mix of waste oils, waste materials and raw vegetable oils, reduces the amount of clean vegetable oils used and ensures that our biodiesel has a CO2 saving potential of up to 80 percent.

At first, the Federal Control of Polution Act (BImSchG) required the oil industry to sell a minimum percentage of biofuels – in proportion with the respective energy content. The share of biodiesel in fossil diesel was up to seven percent.
With the decarbonisation strategy this minimum percentage was replaced by a green house gas reduction target. The aim of decarbonisation is to reduce or compensate CO2 emissions made by economy. It is a main pillar of energy transition and written down in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by defending climate change and create access to renewable energy for everyone.
Since 2015, in Germany the emission savings from fuel usage must be at least 3,5 percent, which is ensured by biofuel blendings. This share was raised up to 4 percent in 2017 and from 2020 on up to 6 percent emission savings compared to 2010. Biofuels are only classified as sustainable, if they emit a maximum of 50 percent CO2 compared to fossil fuel. From 2018 on this ratio is 60 percent.

The combustion of organic substances or biomass, releases just as much CO2 as the plants previously absorbed from the air and metabolised into carbon chains. Over the course of millions of years, however, geological processes have transformed and raised the density of the carbon network of dead organisms, transforming them into fossil energy sources. The combustion of these fossil energy sources releases the CO2, which had been long ago bound as biomass, thus increasing the amount of free CO2 within the earth’s atmosphere today.
By using waste and residues, the portion of fresh vegetable oils can be reduced. Green house gas savings in the Tecosol production process exceed 90 percent and more.

In accordance with the Biofuels Sustainability Regulation, we add an optimal amount of residual and waste materials to our production process and keep investing in an intelligent further development of our technology.
The result: our biodiesel already has a CO2 saving potential of more than 90 percent, thus reaching the values required from 2018 on in order to reduce greenhouse gases emissions.